Help at Headquarters
You can volunteer at Comal County Republican Party Headquarters by greeting and helping voters that stop by, answering questions, performing clerical tasks, and answering the phone.

Help Your Precinct Chair
Your precinct chair is responsible for organizing voters in your precinct and making sure they get out to vote. It is a big job and he/she could use your help organizing your neighbors, making sure they are registered to vote, and making sure your Republican neighbors get to the polls.

Work on Legislative Priorities
The Texas Legislatures 87th Session began on January 12 and will run through May 31, 2021. This is a critical time for Republicans in Texas to get our legislative priorities passed.

Community Involvement
The Comal County Republican Party is involved in our community. Our food drive contributed more than 10,000 meals to the New Braunfels Food Bank. We are currently collecting baby supplies for Options for Life.

Help with Elections
One of the best ways to assure election integrity is to get involved working at the polls or get involved as a poll watcher.

Organizing Events/Fundraisres
Comal County Republican Party organizes a number of large events a year. We are always looking for help working on these events.
There are a number of Republican clubs in Comal County. Joining a club is a great way to connect with other Republicans.

Help Fixing Things
We always need help fixing our networks, computer systems, or just generally repairing things at headquarters.
If you are interested in helping in any of these areas, please contact us and we will get you connected to the right person.